Impact of Rotavator as a Conservation Tillage Implement

Tillage is on the basic farming operation. It is generally done due to creating an ideal seedbed preparation and plant growth, this operation includes ploughing, harrowing and mechanical destruction of weeds and soil crust, etc. Rotavator is used for tillage and inter-culture operation in the preparation of seedbed requires three to four passes. Due to this, it minimizes time and energy up to 25% in the field operation in comparison to another implement. However, if we see in the context of Indian Agriculture where tractors are frequently used in 26-65 hp by a huge number of farmers, it is necessary that matching size of rotavator be available for different power ranges of tractors. Rotavator is mostly available in the size of 120-150 mm, which is suitable for a tractor having 45 hp and above. Also, due to soil type, texture, Irrigation, cropping pattern, etc., it is also necessary that different designs of rotavator require to suit particular cropping conditions.

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